Types of Testing

Types Of Software Testing

To describe the testers and type of testing traditionally software testing methodology are divided into White Box Testing, Black Box Testing and Grey Box Testing.

Brief Description of all 3 types of testing:

  • White Box Testing
White box testing will also be calling by few other names viz. Unit testing,  Open Box Testing, Clear Box testing, Glass Box Testing, Transparent Testing and Structural Testing.

Entire white box testing is done by Developers. In this the developers will test each and every line of the code in the program. The internal structure or working of the program will be tested here. After performing white box testing the developers forwards the software/app to testing team.
The testing team will perform black box testing on that software/app and checks for behavior or functionality against the requirement and if finds any defect intimate regarding that to developers. The developers fixes that defect and perform white box testing then forward that to testing team. Fixing the defect means that defect should remove and that feature is working.

Test Engineers shouldn't be involved in fixing the defect/bug because:
  • if testers will spend the time to fixing that defect, they might lose the time to catch some other defects in that software/app.
  • fixing a defect might break a lot of other features. So, testers should always identify defects and developers should always involved in fixing defect.

  • Black Box Testing
In Black Box Testing we test the behavior/functionality of software/application against the requirement specification. Black box testers will test the software/app functionality without any knowledge of internal implementation viz. they treats the software/app as "black box".
They only aware about how the software/app will behave based on the requirement, not how it does it.
One advantage of the black box testing is that no programming knowledge is required. Because the testers need not to examine the source code.

  • Grey Box Testing
Grey Box Testing involves those testers who has  having knowledge of  algorithms and data structures. The tester will not having full access of source code of that software/app. 
Due to having a concept for working of software/app, the testers can set up an isolated testing environment. 
Grey box testing implements intelligent test scenario but with some limitations.


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